~Ginger Meggs cartoonist hurt by taxi driver. Horrible stupid guy that did that either on purpose or panicking due to the situation. :S
~Novak won against Nadal! Yes! Joy. :D He's being consistent. I like this. *nods* ~Great start to Free TV's six-part online documentary about the 'Future of TV'. Part one is up online now being The Multi-Screen
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And you guys aren't helping matters! My friends removal post was not a place for pleas of 'keep us!' cries. Although...maybe it was for those that have never EVER commented to my journal. Who knows? (Me and only me I'd say). I decided on posting about it because hey three years at this journal and I'd never removed someone from my friends page,
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Somebody give me some money and send me on a holiday.
Actually scrap the giving me money even, just send me away somewhere overseas, I don't care where (though I probably would when I get there). I don't even deserve that.